Geek FAQ
Trust & Security
- What is a “chip attack” and are Ballet Cold Storage Cards vulnerable?
- #What’s the difference between Ballet Cold Storage and non-custodial software wallets?
- #Why is it better to store cryptocurrency on a Ballet Cold Storage card rather than a custodial service such as an exchange or custodial wallet?
- #What's the difference between Ballet Cold Storage cards and traditional paper wallets like
- #What’s the difference between Ballet wallets (non-electronic bearer assets) and wallets like OpenDime and Tangem (electronic bearer assets)?
- #How does Ballet ensure that there are no defects in the manufacturing process?
- See all 26 articles
Product Usage
- #Why do Ballet wallets have serial numbers?
- #Does the Ballet Crypto app generate new cryptocurrency addresses when I activate additional cryptocurrency accounts on my Ballet wallet?
- #Do I need to use the Ballet Crypto mobile app to deposit cryptocurrency to my Ballet wallet?
- #What’s the difference between a cryptocurrency address and a cryptocurrency account?
- #What’s the difference between a Ballet Cold Storage card and a virtual Ballet card?
- #What’s the difference between standard Ballet wallets and pre-production samples?
- See all 15 articles