Your Ballet Cold Storage card is a bearer asset like cash, gold bullion, or fine jewelry. This means that if the card is lost, Ballet cannot recover your assets. Please ensure it is stored securely.
As a self-custodial cold hardware wallet, only the user has access to the Ballet Cold Storage card's private keys. This also means the user assumes full responsibility for its safekeeping. Ballet does not maintain backups or copies of the card's BIP38 two-factor private key components: the passphrase entropy and private key entropy. These two factors are only on the physical card and are essential for generating the private key.
If the physical card is lost, you cannot access the passphrase entropy or private key entropy. Without this access, the private key cannot be generated, and therefore the funds stored on the card cannot be accessed.
This is a common challenge with self-custodial hardware wallets. To ensure the safety of your assets, always handle and store your Ballet Cold Storage card with care.