No, Ballet wallets come with pre-generated private keys. Ballet wallets are manufactured using a patented two-factor key generation process (2FKG) that utilizes the BIP38 open-source standard. The two-factor private key on each Ballet wallet is composed of a private key entropy and a passphrase entropy that can decrypt it. The private key entropy and passphrase entropy are generated using open-source software on offline, air-gapped computers by different employees in secure facilities thousands of miles apart. The private key entropy and passphrase entropy are deleted and overwritten with random data immediately after the manufacturing process is complete. The process is designed so that no single employee or attacker who breaks into the manufacturing facility can access both components of the two-factor private key. In order to protect the private key throughout the supply chain until the wallet is received by the customer, the private key entropy is concealed by a tamper-evident sticker and the passphrase entropy is concealed by a strip of scratch-off material (similar to a lottery ticket or prepaid gift card).
The unencrypted private key required to spend the coins stored on a Ballet wallet is never actually generated until the end user removes the tamper-evident sticker and scratch-off material from the physical Ballet wallet and combines the two pieces of data on the Ballet app by entering the passphrase entropy and scanning the private key entropy. For more information on Ballet’s patented 2FKG manufacturing process, please visit:
#Do Ballet wallets allow me to generate my own private keys?

Ballet Support