Ballet now supports thousands of crypto assets and NFTs, including all ERC20 (Ethereum) and BEP20 (Binance Smart Chain) tokens. You can activate the deposit addresses in the Ballet Crypto mobile app.
The full list of crypto assets supported by Ballet Cold Storage Cards can be found at:
Regarding the ERC20 and BEP20 tokens, if you cannot find them on the above link, you can also manually activate them by copying and pasting their contract addresses in the app after tapping “Add more coins and tokens.”
Here is the method for you to activate the crypto assets on the Ballet Crypto mobile app:
- Select the Cold Storage Card you want to deposit assets to and tap "Add more coins or tokens."
- Input the coin, token name, or the token’s contract address (for ERC20 (Ethereum) and BEP20 (Binance Smart Chain) only) into the search field.
- Find the token in the search results and tap “Activate.”
*Your Ballet Cold Storage Card can also store Bitcoin Inscriptions (Ordinals) and NFTs on the Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or Polygon networks.