There are two ways to deposit crypto assets into your Ballet Cold Storage Card:
(1) You can send the primary coin of a Cold Storage Card directly to the deposit address on the physical card’s QR code sticker. You can identify the primary coin of a Ballet Cold Storage Card by the logo on the physical card.
(2) You can use the Ballet Crypto App to manually activate and get the deposit address of whichever supported coin or token you want to deposit.
For more information on how to deposit crypto assets, please refer to the following steps:
Step 1. Add Your Ballet Cold Storage Card to the Ballet Crypto App.
Open the Ballet Crypto app, tap “Scan,” then scan the deposit address QR code on the physical card.
Step 2. Activate the Deposit Address for the Crypto Asset You Want To Deposit.
Once you have added the card to the app, you can activate any additional crypto assets you’d like to deposit by following these steps:
a. Tap “Add more coins or tokens.”
b. Input the coin or token name (b1) into the “Search crypto” section, or copy and paste the contract address (b2) to search for it.
c. Tap “Activate” to activate the address for the coin or token.
d. After activation, return to the last page in the app, and you can see the coin or token you just activated.
(3) Get Deposit Addresses
Step 1: Open the app and select one card you want to make a deposit to, then tap “Receive.”
Step 2: You can get a QR code of the address, copy the text version of the address, and share the address, then make the deposit at any time.
a. Request a specific amount from the sender.
b. Share your deposit address with the sender of the payment.
c. Select the icon of whichever crypto asset you want to get the deposit address for.