What’s the difference between a Ballet Cold Storage card and a virtual wallet card?

“Ballet Cold Storage” refers to the physical steel card in the size and shape of a credit card that contains the private key entropy and passphrase entropy. When you use the Ballet Crypto app to scan the primary coin QR code on the Ballet Cold Storage cards, a “virtual card” is added to the Home page of the app. The virtual Cold Storage card provides a convenient, easy-to-understand way to interface with your physical Ballet Cold Storage card. It’s called a “virtual” card because the private key entropy and passphrase entropy are never stored on the app. The virtual card allows you to monitor the amount of cryptocurrency stored on the physical Ballet Cold Storage card and see the real-time fiat currency value, as well as several other functions that do not require the private key. However, when you want to send coins out from your Ballet Cold Storage card, you need the physical Ballet Cold Storage card itself so that you can enter the passphrase entropy and scan the private key entropy QR code.

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